His radio career began in Newcastle. Later he would move to 2MG Mudgee followed by a brief return to Newcastle and then a stint at two radio stations in New Zealand.
He returned to Australia, spending 3 years at 2BS Bathurst, where he quickly established the largest ‘breakfast’ radio audience in Mid-Western NSW.

2NX Newcastle

2MG Mudgee

2BS Bathurst
Gary then made a permanent move to Melbourne joining Australia’s most competitive metropolitan radio market. In 1971 he became the highest rated announcer in Australia – a day-part ratings figure that has yet to be matched.
A demanding freelance career followed. During this time Gary enjoyed a few years of freedom, presenting a variety of radio programs for a number of Melbourne stations including regular voice overs for television.
He returned to full time metro radio in 1975 as a programmer and announcer, while continuing his freelance program promotion voice-overs for TV.
Two years later he was ‘poached’ to spearhead a new music format at another station and host the breakfast show.

3AK Good Guys 1968

DB Music mid 70’s

Jackie Collins

3AK Good Guys 1970

3KZ late 70’s

Don Lane

The Bee Gees 1970

3UZ 1988

Nancy Wilson

“Where No Wrinkles Fly”

3UZ Blacker’s & Macca’s

3UZ OB “At the Races”
Gary Mac Productions was formed in August 1979. The facility continues to produce quality audio and video for a variety of applications.
From 1979 to 1988, he was the “voice” of Channel 10, and became
involved with many ‘live’ presentations, including the Radio D.J. Competition segment
Click here to watch a tribute to Darryl Cotton and the Early Bird Show DJ competition

Narration VO

Radio commercial VO

‘On-line’ Training VO
In February 1984 Gary and his wife Joanie created the Melbourne Radio School. For 20 years Gary Mac built a reputation within the industry as a leading radio educator. He has developed training methods that over the years have launched the radio careers of a huge number of people into all sorts of radio jobs.
During 1987 Gary returned to freelance radio to anchor the morning slot at Radio Sport National.
And again in 1992 he was a major part of the on-air and music programming team at Melbourne’s new AM frequency 693.
From time to time Gary is hired on an ‘as needs’ basis to coach television news journalists in voice and presentation technique. He is also invited to deliver specific TAFE short course programs at RMIT, Holmesglen and Swinburne.
For nearly 12 years Gary created and conducts the on going practical public address announcement training for the operators of the Melbourne rail network. Training is tailored for station control room staff, platform supervisors and train drivers. He also provides voice coaching and PA announcement workshops for V-Line, the country rail network in Victoria and is sub-contracted to provide similar training to Yarra Trams control room staff and supervisors.

Melbourne Radio School
Entrance Foyer

693 3EE The Breeze 1992

Train Driver PA Training

Melbourne Radio School
On-Air Studio

Melbourne Radio School
Lecture Room
Around the end of October each year, I travel to Brisbane as part of the prestigious ‘Artists in Residence’ program at the Queensland University of Technology.
Here I deliver my ‘studio voice over mentoring program’.
This intense hands-on workshop gives second year Performing Arts student actors extensive knowledge in every facet of voice over.
Since 2014 this much anticipated program has proved to be an outstanding success.
I return to the university again in September of each year and spend two full days directing and recording voice over material with the third year actors (who I’d worked with the previous year). I bring the audio files back to Melbourne and spend time in post production, giving careful consideration to ‘the sweetening processes’ i.e. the addition of appropriate music or sound effects or atmosphere etc., so as to enhance and compliment each voice track. Demos are crafted to showcase the voice over strengths and abilities of each actor.
The state-of-the-art studio facility at QUT is equipped to record and produce a wide variety of audio, including Voice Over, Singing, Small Bands to Full Orchestras, Foley Recording (sound effects for video and film) and ADR (additional dialogue recording).
It is a privilege to be a part of this leading education facility. Gary Mac
QUT Cocktail Party
“Let’s get to work”
The amazing Creative
Industries building,
Kelvin Grove Campus
2014 Year Book Pic
“I’m Ready”
State of The Art
Digital Recording
Old Government House
“Take 1”
Animating The Read
Gardens Point Brisbane
Giving Direction
“How was that?”
Gary Mac has built an industry recognised reputation as a voice coach and free lance voice-over for radio and TV commercials, product launch videos, narrator of documentaries and corporate productions screened in Australia and around the world. He remains closely involved with the ever-changing facets of radio, general voice presentation, public address announcements etc. and continues to provide his proven voice coaching and training methods in his one-on-one voice over studio.